The vision of the Houston Heights Association is for the Houston Heights to be recognized as a diverse, small town community in the heart of Houston, where neighbors and businesses thrive, children learn and play, and history lives.

Latest News2023-05-15T10:44:22-05:00

True North 2024 Lands on the Boulevard

The project’s eleventh exhibition is now open. True North 2024 Lands on the Boulevard The project’s eleventh exhibition is now open. First up at Houston Heights’ entrance on the south end of the esplanade is fourth generation Houston artist Dion Laurent’s “AirPlane 1”— a conceptually-imagined work designed to specifically run on wind and solar energy and produce bio-regenerative life support for its outer space explorer, EarthMan—Laurent’s performative work.” Next on the boulevard, appearing as an ancient relic, Dallas artist Art [...]

By |April 5, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on True North 2024 Lands on the Boulevard

April Yard of the Month

April 2024 Yard of the Month 536 W. 17 th St. Anita Barnes garden at 536 W 17 th St is the culmination of over 30 years of trial-and-error gardening in Houston. She loves flowers. Many are changed seasonally and many come back every year. She tries to time the plantings so there is always something blooming. Over the years she has become less experimental and sticks with the tried and true. She has landscaped the yard with curved pathways and multi-sized concrete circles that incorporate several [...]

By |April 5, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on April Yard of the Month

Love Park Advisory Council (PAC)

If you're looking to get involved with Houston's green spaces, consider volunteering with the Love Park Advisory Council (PAC). Alongside fellow citizens and organizations, PAC members meet regularly to advocate for park communities, supporting a range of activities from recreation to education. To see available volunteer roles and join our efforts in promoting inclusive community programs, check the Houston Parks and Recreation Department's website for the latest openings and council information.  list of the volunteers in addition to the positions that still need to be filled: Social [...]

By |March 5, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Love Park Advisory Council (PAC)

Bicycle Safety and Legal Update

Dear Residents of Houston Heights, We're bringing to your attention critical updates on bicycle safety and legal changes that impact our community. In 2023, a concerning 42.1% of bike fatalities in the City of Houston occurred within City Council Districts C and D, areas that many of us call home. It's noteworthy that there have been zero bike fatalities on roads equipped with protected bicycle infrastructure, highlighting the importance of such amenities for our safety. In response to these safety challenges, there have been significant legal advancements [...]

By |February 6, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bicycle Safety and Legal Update

December Newsletter

*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* HoustonHeights.orgDecember 2023HHA General Meeting:Monday, December 11Join us for a festive evening with The Heights Santa at the Houston Heights Association Monthly Meeting on December 11th, starting 6:30pm at the Heights Fire Station. Enjoy local performances and support our toy drive, all while connecting with your community. Thanks to our organizers for a night of holiday cheer!December General Meeting Register to Donate Blood!Tuesday, December 19Join us at the Houston Heights Blood Drive on December 19th and embrace the holiday spirit by giving the gift of life! [...]

By |December 8, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on December Newsletter

November Yard of the Month Winner

Hello from our November Yard of the Month Recipient! I am Trish Schmid and I’m the proud owner of the property located at 741 Beverly St. Constructed in 2003, our home was designed by Sam Gianukos of Creole Design and meticulously brought to life with Lambert Arceneaux of Allegro Builders. The inspiration for our home and garden draws heavily from the historic residences of New Orleans’ Garden District and the enchanting botanical gardens of Paris, France. This vision was cultivated during our five-year stay in Paris before [...]

By |November 4, 2023|Categories: Heights Garden Club, November Newsletter|Comments Off on November Yard of the Month Winner
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