The Election Committee tabulated the ballots and announced the results of our Board of Directors election during the November 9 virtual community meeting.
Joining the HHA Board in January for three-year terms are Idalia Guerra and Dave Seeburger. Marc Elliott, Joy Stapp, and Carol Welter will all return to the board for three additional years. Our thanks to all of them for their willingness to serve our organization and neighborhood from 2021 through 2023! The complete 2021 Board is listed below. The Officers for 2021 will be elected at the new Board’s organizational meeting.
2021 HHA Board of Directors
- Joe Alanis (2021)
- Oni Blair (2022)
- Kevin Chenevert (2022)
- David Crowl (2022)
- Sharon Dearman (2021)
- Angela Dewree (2021)
- Marc Elliott (2023)
- Linda Eyles (2021)
- Idalia Guerra (2023)
- Damian Ogier (2021)
- Dave Seeburger (2023)
- Joy Stapp (2023)
- Jason Starr (2022)
- Carol Welter (2023)
- Mark Williamson (2022)
(The year each Director’s term expires is in parentheses.)
Lynn Ellis and Kenny Terrell come to the end of their terms in December. Many thanks to them for their service as well!
We are super appreciative of our Election Chair Linda Eyles for leading us through this year’s unique election season! She of course couldn’t have done it without the help of her trusty Election Committee, which included Donna & Jim Bennett, Kevin Chenevert, Diane Easley, and Simon Eyles.