The vision of the Houston Heights Association is for the Houston Heights to be recognized as a diverse, small town community in the heart of Houston, where neighbors and businesses thrive, children learn and play, and history lives.

Latest News2023-05-15T10:44:22-05:00

Happening Now at the City of Houston: Meet the IKEs and Give Your 2 Cents on the City Budgeting Process

To keep our Members and neighbors informed, we're sharing two updates on initiatives rolling out from City Hall now. Our first update is an overview of the new Interactive Kiosk Experiences (IKEs) which have made their way to the Heights. The second is a survey on the current City budgeting cycle from Council Member At-Large Sallie Alcorn. Meet the IKEs Meet our new Heights neighbors, the IKEs (Interactive Kiosk Experiences). These kiosks, which look and function like large iPads, are arriving in the area now as part [...]

By |May 11, 2022|Categories: Around the Neighborhood|Comments Off on Happening Now at the City of Houston: Meet the IKEs and Give Your 2 Cents on the City Budgeting Process

Tips from the Houston Police Department on Keeping Your Catalytic Converters Safe from Theft

At our April General Meeting, the Houston Police Department joined us to talk public safety in the neighborhood and the city at large alongside our dedicated Houston Heights Constable Patrol Deputies. One of the most illuminating parts of the evening was the reported rise in catalytic converter theft around the city. We asked Seargeant Tracy Hicks from HPD to tell us more about this unfortunate rash of crime and to give us tips on how to prevent this pesky form of property theft, which could create thousands [...]

By |May 11, 2022|Categories: Around the Neighborhood|Comments Off on Tips from the Houston Police Department on Keeping Your Catalytic Converters Safe from Theft

Our 2021 Community Improvement Awards Help Us Express What Keeps the Heights “Heights-y”

Our annual Community Improvement Awards (CIA) give us the unique opportunity to express and recognize the otherwise ineffable sense of built character that keeps the Heights "Heights-y." Now that our neighborhood encompasses so many architectural styles and buildings spanning over a century of development, it is hard to say exactly what it is that constitutes traditional Heights character in new constructions and renovations. To answer that question each year, we solicit nominations from the neighborhood and ask a panel of trusted judges to review them against a [...]

By |May 10, 2022|Categories: Around the Neighborhood|Comments Off on Our 2021 Community Improvement Awards Help Us Express What Keeps the Heights “Heights-y”

Our 48th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Awards Dinner Honored the Lifeblood of Our Neighborhood

While events like the Bike Rally, Fun Run, and Pup Promenade are important for both fundraising and bringing the neighborhood together, our annual Volunteer Appreciation Awards Dinner is special in that it brings together generations of Heights residents who have made a difference in our 48 year history for the express purpose of a night of recognition and gratitude. This year's Volunteer Appreciation and Awards Dinner took place on Sunday, April 24, and it was a characteristically heartwarming affair where both the annual Volunteer Appreciation and Community [...]

By |May 10, 2022|Categories: Around the Neighborhood|Comments Off on Our 48th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Awards Dinner Honored the Lifeblood of Our Neighborhood

Meeting Recording: 11th Street Improvements Update and Q&A with the City of Houston

The City of Houston Planning and Development & Public Works departments presented an update on the planned improvement project at the February meeting of the Houston Heights Association Land Use Committee. The City presented its latest plans after incorporating community feedback into the design of the project regarding the concrete median in the two-lane configuration between Shepherd and Yale, pedestrian refuge islands at intersections like Nicholson, and physically protected bikeways. The meeting was held virtually on Monday, February 7th at 6:30pm, and unfortunately the meeting reached the [...]

By |February 17, 2022|Categories: Around the Neighborhood|Comments Off on Meeting Recording: 11th Street Improvements Update and Q&A with the City of Houston

The Team Behind the Scenes of True North

Linda and Simon Eyles. After several years working with the sculpture project, two of our curators have decided to step away from their duties. Linda and Simon played important roles in the success of True North during their tenure, bringing acumen for business and marketing, a keen eye for fine art and design, and a strong tie to the community. The Eyles say, “We’ve loved every minute of our time working on this incredible public art installation. It has brought so much to our neighborhood and to [...]

By |January 2, 2022|Categories: Around the Neighborhood|Comments Off on The Team Behind the Scenes of True North
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