This past year has flown by, and as we look forward to 2022, we are excited to introduce our candidates for the HHA Board. Of the 15 board seats, seven will be open at the end of this year. We have six great candidates for those positions. The five nominees elected to the Board receiving the most votes will serve three-year terms, and the sixth nominee will serve a two-year term. Be sure to attend the General Meeting on Monday, October 11th to hear candidates (either live or virtually) speak on their qualifications. Some of the candidates have chosen to share a video as well (see below). Our six candidates include: Angela DeWree, Sheebani Patel, Brian Richard, Hardy Roper, Anne Sloan, and Katye Tipton. Please refer to the election schedule for more details and information about how to vote.

The following candidate statements appear in the order they were received by the Elections Committee. The candidates’ words are their own. There are also short speeches from some of the candidates.

Anne Sloan

Resident of Houston Heights for 20+ years, a lifetime member of the Houston Heights Association, and long-term financial supporter of the association.  Our neighborhood exists as it is today, only because of the HHA’s formation in 1974.

Katye Tipton | Watch Katye’s Speech

My name is Katye Tipton and I live on Herkimer.  I am a former city employee and, since moving here, I’ve been interested in getting more involved in the community.  I spent my career in municipal government and I’d like to bring that experience to the HHA board.

Hardy Roper

Fourth generation Houstonian,  born and raised in Woodland Heights.  Attended Travis, Hogg and Reagan.  Professional: CLU. Past owner Employer Plan Services, insurance agency. Board experience: Magnolia Cemetery, Pres., Court Appointed Special Advocates- board member. Tiki Island Fire and Rescue- board member. Marie Roper Foundation – Pres.

Brian Richard

My family and I have been residents of the Heights since 2012.   Prior to that, I was an active member of the Woodside Civic Organization where I served as President.  I am a practicing commercial Architect and versed in development, construction, and community growth as it relates to our neighborhood.

Sheebani Patel | Watch Sheebani’s Speech

I am thrilled to run for the Houston Heights Association Board (HHA) of Directors. My love for Houston and experience on the HHA board this last year, combined with my history of community engagement and legal background will contribute greatly to HHA’s mission.

Angela DeWree | Watch Angela’s Speech

The story of the houston heights is made by people like you and me.  I live in historic heights south; advocate for our majestic tree canopy; chair hha’s monthly meetings; hha business member of a design studio Props2go / Design & Inspiration; and legacy hha board member.