Seven of the fifteen positions on the HHA Board of Directors are up for election. We have 6 highly qualified candidates who have been nominated for those seats. The five candidates receiving the most votes will serve 3-year terms and the candidate with the sixth-highest vote count will serve a 2-year term. Because we have more positions on the board coming open than we do nominees to fill those spots, the seventh board seat (a one-year term) will be filled by the HHA Board in the new year.  **Indicates board members whose terms are expiring.

Current directors include:

  1. Joe Alanis **
  2. Kevin Chenevert
  3. David Crowl
  4. Sharon Dearman **
  5. Angela DeWree **
  6. Marc Elliott
  7. Linda Eyles **
  8. Idalia Guerra
  9. Damian Ogier **
  10. Sheebani Patel **
  11. Dave Seeburger
  12. Jason Starr 
  13. Katye Tipton **
  14. Carol Welter
  15. Mark Williamson

The HHA Election Committee has developed the following revised schedule for the election of Directors to serve terms starting in 2021 to accommodate both in-person and remote nomination and election speeches:

  • By Thursday, September 9th—nominations for candidates for the HHA Board can be made by submitting a written statement or a two-minute video to Nominators and nominees must be current members of the Association. Please be sure before you nominate someone that your nominee will commit to serve. Individuals may not nominate themselves, and only a nominator can submit a statement or video.
  • At the September 13th General Meeting, the floor will be opened for in-person nominations to the Board of Directors. The above criteria for nominators and nominees will apply. A member of the Election Committee will be present at the meeting to read aloud any prior nominations submitted by written statement and video nominations (submitted by above deadline) will also be shown at the General Meeting. 
  • By Thursday, September 16th—the Election Committee will email each nominee information including HHA bylaws, policies, articles of incorporation, a committee responsibility list, and a detailed election schedule. A statement confirming that the nominee has read the bylaws and policies and agrees to serve in accordance with them if elected will also be distributed.
  • By 5 p.m. on Friday, September 17th—signed statements from nominees are due, as well as a 50-word (maximum) statement from each nominee. (Nominee may include an optional photo if desired.) These must be submitted to for publication in the October newsletter and on the website. Statements longer than 50 words (as counted by Microsoft Word) will be truncated after the fiftieth word when published.
  • By Thursday, October 7th—nominees or their representatives may submit a three-minute video to to speak on their qualifications.
  • By Monday, October 11th—candidate speeches will be uploaded to the HHA website. 
  • At the October 11th General Meeting, nominees or their representatives will have the opportunity to speak on their qualifications for three minutes. Videos submitted by nominees who prefer not to attend the General Meeting will have their videos shown. An Election Committee member will draw for ballot positions at the beginning of the meeting.
  • By Friday, October 15th—the Election Committee will mail a ballot with a control number to each member in good standing whose dues are currently paid as of October 1. (Members invoiced by August 15 and not paid by October 1 are deemed not in good standing and will not receive a ballot.)
  • Ballots must be received by Saturday, November 6th at the HHA Office at 107 W. 12th Street, Houston, Texas 77008 with control numbers intact. Ballots may be mailed or dropped off at the office.
  • On Monday, November 8th, before the General Meeting, polls will be open for secret balloting in person from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM sharp. The Election Committee will tabulate ballots and announce the results during the meeting.
  • By Wednesday, November 10th—election results will be published on the HHA website. The results will also be published in the December newsletter.