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Heights great American Pie Contest
is the biggest event of the year
hosted by the Houston Heights Association / houstonheights.org
at the historic Heights Fire Station
8 Culinary Star Judges
choose the best pies based on presentation & taste
submitted by home, and pro baker and pie makers
The Event has a County Faire Atmosphere and is highly attended by legacy historic homeowners, young families, apartment dwellers, Heights Business Community and folks near and far to the Heights! 
Schedule of Activities:
5:00 pm Baker Check-in with Pie Entries / follow the signs to the back patio entrance
6:00 pm Culinary Star Judges “First Look”
6:30 pm Everyone is invited to Cheer the the Bakers and enjoy old fashioned fun! 
7:00 pm  Entertainment, Awards Ceremony, Door Prizes, Pie Tasting opens to Audience Guests
Delicious Thanks to Everyone Contributing to making the 2024 Heights great American Pie Contest Happen!
Judges { at time of publication }
•  Levi Rollins of Salt & Sugar nosheria & bakery
• Allie Jarrett – Heights Culinary Legend 
• Bobby Jucker of 3 Brothers Bakery – all Houston locations
• Phaedra Cook – Culinary Journalist & Blogger of Houston Food Finder
• Mark Pirozzolo – Hospitality Event Pro at A Finer Event
• Megan Triola of Triola’s Kitchen restaurant

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