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The Heights Garden Club invites you to our annual craft event from 7-9 PM on Wednesday, August 14 at the Heights Fire Station (Yale St. and 12th St.).

At this year’s craft event, we will be painting garden pots! Please bring your own pot to paint.  If it’s not new, be sure to clean it, and it must be dry. We are asking that your pot be 8” in diameter or less for 1 pot or you can bring 2 smaller pots. This is because of the provided paint supplies and drying time. Paint, markers, brushes and stencils will be provided. We found in our test run that clay or terracotta works best, but plastic will also work.

We will have beverages and light refreshments and feel free to bring a dish to share.

If you would like to plan ahead, we encourage you to go online and look for examples. You will see so many unique ideas—the sky’s the limit on your design!


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