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Start dividing plants and collecting seeds to share at the plant and seed swap. We will also trade gardening implements such as tools, pots, and garden ornaments.

Below you will see the night’s agenda!

7pm – The Meet and Greet begins at 7pm. Find a spot for your plants, then sign in at the check-in table for a name tag and a raffle ticket for our wonderful door prizes.

7:20pm – The first drawing will be at 7:20pm with others throughout the evening.

7:30pm – The Swap begins at the ring of the bell at 7:30pm.

Your Plants/Seeds

We ask that you label your plants and seeds prior to the event.

Also, bring a bag or box to transport your new found treasures home.

Please make entry through the double doors at the back entrance on the North side.

All refreshments are donated by our members, so please consider bringing something to share with everyone. Below is a suggested list, feel free to bring your favorite finger food or snack.

Sign up for suggested items HERE.

Unlike past swaps, there will be no alcohol served. We will have water.

There is additional parking across the street from Milroy Park.

The garden club would like to thank the Houston Heights Association for the use of the Fire Station and also to all of our generous door prize donors. This event is elevated by the participation of our local gardening community.

Additional information/updates to come.

We will also mention our great door prize donors!

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