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On Thursday, December 5, Linda and Simon Eyles will host our annual Patron Party at their home at 748 Arlington. Thanks to Linda, Simon, & Danae Stephenson for chairing this year’s event! The Holiday Patron Party is our annual celebration of a year of HHA programming and our toast to a successful Holiday Home Tour, which takes place the following Friday and Saturday. The event, which lasts from 6:30-9 PM, will include tasty food from LMN Hospitality, a jazz trio playing Christmas tunes, and each guest will receive a delicious take home cookie honoring the weekend’s “These are a few of my favorite things…” theme. Hope to see you there!

Tickets are available for $125, but attendance will be capped at 100 guests, so please purchase your tickets early to ensure availability!

For questions, contact us at holidayparty@houstonheights.org or 713-861-4002, option 6.

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