Tips from the Houston Police Department on Keeping Your Catalytic Converters Safe from Theft
At our April General Meeting, the Houston Police Department joined [...]
The vision of the Houston Heights Association is for the Houston Heights to be recognized as a diverse, small town community in the heart of Houston, where neighbors and businesses thrive, children learn and play, and history lives.
At our April General Meeting, the Houston Police Department joined [...]
Our annual Community Improvement Awards (CIA) give us the unique [...]
While events like the Bike Rally, Fun Run, and Pup [...]
The City of Houston Planning and Development & Public Works [...]
Linda and Simon Eyles. After several years working with the [...]
True North 2021 sculptures will soon move on to their [...]
The Election Committee tabulated the ballots and announced the results [...]
True North was thrilled to secure the iconic artist’s work [...]
After a completely virtual Fun Run in 2020, we were [...]
Congratulations to our October Yard of the Month: The Eversole [...]