702 Le Green
Karen Kain began her gardening journey when she moved to 702 Le Green in 2007. She embraced a trial-and-error approach, experimenting with various plants to observe their performance in her yard and moving them as needed.
Karen’s preference leans toward native species and pollinator-friendly plants. Among her native shrubs are Thryallis, Mexican Turks Cap and Horse Weed. She also has native groundcovers like Frog Fruit and Hairy Wedelia. Other pollinators include Butterfly Bush and Fleabane. These choices not only beautify her garden but also support local ecosystems and wildlife. This summer she has even spotted Hummingbird Moths feeding from her pollinator plants. The garden also includes a thriving fig tree which produces enough fruit for all the neighbors, birds and squirrels.
Her shade plants excel in the Spring and Summer under the canopy provided by a Vitex tree. Of course, this also creates gardening challenge when the yard becomes mostly sun in Fall and Winter once the leaves have fallen. Karen credits some of her success with her garden solutions coming from the wonderful gardening community on her block and the plants that they share and swap.
We would like to thank New Roots Landscaping Nursery & Antiques for the very nice gift card awarded to Karen.
New Roots 5117 N. Main St. 713-485-4791