Congratulations to our August Yard of the Month: Janet & Harry Tallichet at 802 Woodland

Janet and Harry Tallichet (landscaper and homebuilder, respectively) purchased the home in 2006 and supervised its remodel and expansion over the next three years. The garden was designed to complement the home’s aesthetics and be ecologically sound. To minimize rainwater runoff, the only poured concrete is the driveway and front walk. The patio and walks are open flagstone with Dwarf Mondo grass. Roof gutters were left off the home in order to spread out heavy rains. Swales were installed to channel runoff into three underground retention tanks that provide gradual water absorption.

Another landscape objective was to provide privacy while leaving a welcoming front porch and open views. All plantings were selected to attract pollinators and birds and to provide food for the homeowners. The garden has evolved through the years with a reliance on eco-friendly materials and habitat as the mainstay. About 10 years ago, Janet began to experiment with native wildflowers and quickly learned what not to do! “Wild flowers have been a wild ride but the spring color has been worth it.”

Some favorite plants in the current landscape are the Drift Roses along the easement on Watson, the massive Chinese Fringe trees inside the fence on Watson and Woodland, the Rudbeckia hirta (black-eyed Susan) at the front gate, and the Dwarf Calliandras along both sides of the corner easement. The Calliandras have dark pink tassel flowers that are the “bee’s knees,” attracting many bees throughout their long blooming season.

Now that the Tallichets are retired, the garden is trending towards lower maintenance while retaining the ecological goals.

We would like to thank Buchanan’s Native Plants for the very nice gift certificate awarded to our August yard of the month recipient. Buchanan’s is located here in the Heights at 611 E. 11th St.