The project’s eleventh exhibition is now open.

True North 2024 Lands on the Boulevard The project’s eleventh exhibition is now open. First up at Houston Heights’ entrance on the south end of the esplanade is fourth generation Houston artist Dion Laurent’s “AirPlane 1”— a conceptually-imagined work designed to specifically run on wind and solar energy and produce bio-regenerative life support for its outer space explorer, EarthMan—Laurent’s performative work.” Next on the boulevard, appearing as an ancient relic, Dallas artist Art Shirer’s “WISH” will grant your every wish with a spin of its welded-steel “wheel.” Nela Garzón’s beautiful “Pre-Columbian Unlooted Bat or Vampire for the New World” is filled with cultural and mythological symbols from ancient pre-Columbia times. Dallas artist Ricardo Paniagua’s brilliant geometric sculpture “Intersections of Dimension” explores the relationship between color, line and form. Houston Heights artist Wyatt Little’s smile-inducing “BRICK PHONE” is a decidedly quirky and whimsical symbol of days gone by. Houston artist and scientist Suzette Mouchaty’s “Monument to Sea Slugs” is inspired by marine nudibranchs that are no larger than your thumb—and disappearing along with their coral reef habitats. Dallas artist Clayton Hurt’s “Apprehensive Dog” depicts a mysterious and expressive canine with a story that is left to the viewer’s imagination. Houston artist Patrick Renner’s “dauber”—meticulously constructed with a combination of architectural refuse and brightly-colored wooden strips from past projects—is a meditation on the structures built by the garden-beneficial mud dauber wasp.

There are QR codes at each site, or download the “Otocast” app remotely, to listen to the artists’ statements on their works—in their own words. Please visit our website at for the new press release, photography and more
information. Sculpture photography “Kolanowski Studio.”

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