As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Houston Heights Association (HHA) promotes community spirit and beautification in and around Houston Heights. Proceeds from events and donations go towards restoring and maintaining the neighborhood’s iconic landmarks and parks. The HHA also addresses community needs, such as crime prevention and land use, to revitalize the area.
The Houston Heights Association (HHA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit civic organization that promotes and fosters friendship, goodwill and community spirit within and around the Houston Heights. Proceeds from membership dues, sponsorships, donations, and fundraising events go directly into the community for beautification, restoration, and maintenance of the Heights Boulevard esplanade, Marmion and Donovan parks, and the Houston Heights City Hall & Fire Station.
Additionally and among its many other endeavors, the HHA is the driving force behind the neighborhood’s revitalization by addressing community needs, such as deed restrictions, crime prevention, and land use.