Many of you know Jim Bennett and his lovely wife Donna. If you have attended events held by the Houston Heights Association, you have met this couple. They are active in monthly HHA meetings, are committee chairs, home tour docents and much more. 

Donna won the Marcella Perry Award in 2005, was presented with a Citizen of the Year in 2012, and given the Legacy Award in 2019.

Jim Bennett was recognized as the 2000 Citizen of the Year. The 1999 Citizen of the Year, Janet Buchheit presented the award. On behalf of the HHA, she thanked Jim for preserving the esplanade of Heights Boulevard for the future generations by his efforts of planning, planting, fundraising, and putting together a dedicated group of volunteers to help him in this effort. Jim modestly says, “I did do some organizing…” but also says, “If you walk around with a clipboard, the others do the work.” He also adds, “It’s fun, partly because of the people involved.” Jim was also presented the Boulevard Award in 2014 and a Tireless Champion Award in 2018.

You may have seen Jim out on Heights Boulevard with huge piles of mulch and gravel, or performing water installations and repairs or planting huge trees. Jim has given so much of his time taking care of Heights Boulevard and has done so for more than twenty years.

Jim heads up the Boulevard Committee. He has for many years been a huge supporter of the Heights Garden Club. He has supported the club’s efforts in caring for the three gardens on Heights Boulevard – the entrance garden at I-10 and Heights Blvd., overseeing the rose garden at 20th St and the lamp post garden at 11th St. Jim always emphasizes the importance of having fun. It is hard work taking care of the boulevard and its gardens, but never forget to have fun.

We, the Garden Club, consider ourselves a fun group. Before Covid, the HGC held monthly garden tours, an annual craft event and plant and seed swap, educational programs, field trips and honored homeowners with a yard of the month recognition and a local gift card. 

On Sunday, the 28th of March, the Heights Garden Club’s steering committee honored Jim and Donna for all their support and tireless dedication to not only the Heights Garden Club but for everything they do for the Houston Heights Association. So, now when driving down Heights Boulevard or taking a stroll on the jogging trail, you know who has had a heavy hand in making this enjoyable for all of us. So, if you see a big pile of mulch on the boulevard, come on over and give a hand. Volunteers are always welcome. The event was held in the lovely garden of Shawn Michael and Laurin Lindsey and we thank them for hosting.