2020 was a year unlike any other and our organization truly could not have made it through the year without the generous support and volunteer efforts of so many of our neighbors. It was inspiring to see our community come together during such a difficult year, even if much of that coming together was done virtually! As we do every year, we want to once again honor those Heights residents who went above and beyond with their volunteer work in the neighborhood during the previous year. Throughout March, we went around the neighborhood and presented the winners of our 2020 Volunteer Appreciation Awards with their awards.

Thank you to all our very deserving 2020 award recipients for your dedication and commitment to making the Heights a better place, especially during such a challenging time!

We encourage you to reach out to these honorees and let them know how much you appreciate what they do for our neighborhood!

2020 Volunteer Appreciation Awards Honorees

Citizen of the Year Award: Carol Welter

Someone who works so hard and gives so much of their time to an organization, someone who always says “yes, bring it on, I’ll do it”, someone who consistently takes leadership roles but never takes the credit…that’s an intrepid volunteer.

Their can-do attitude and ready smile make them hugely successful at organizing people to accomplish a common goal. But that doesn’t mean they shirk the hard work themselves. No, they are right in there in the trenches, elbow to elbow, getting it done.

And they don’t just volunteer once and pat themselves on the back. No, they serve time and time again. They go where they are needed, and they take on roles that others are unwilling to fill.

The Houston Heights Association is fortunate to have many such volunteers. But today, one of them stands above the rest. Not only because they have given of themselves to run the Bicycle Rally multiple times, or worked tirelessly on the Holiday Home Tour and Patron Party. It’s not even because they have put together the Fun Run After Party and the Candlelight Dinner Silent Auction. Or even because they’ve helped to organize the Volunteer Awards Dinner over and over. It is also because when asked to serve as a member of the HHA Board, they said “yes!”. Again, and again, and again.

By now it should be obvious that this very special person has done more for this organization than most, but just when all others would be done with service, our new Citizen of the Year goes a step further. She takes on one of the most vital tasks that the HHA can ask of a volunteer and she agrees to be the VP of Fundraising and Special Events.

Carol Welter has been justly recognized for her service in the past. She is a Rising Star Award winner, and she also won the Marcella Perry Award for all of the hard work and time she has given to the HHA over the years.

Because of Carol’s history of volunteerism for the Association and her constant exuberance to always give a little more, it was clear that she should once again be recognized. And so it is with great pleasure and pride that we recognize Carol Welter as the 2020 Citizen of the Year.

Presented by Linda Eyles

Corporate Citizen of the Year Award: Grogan Building Supply

The Houston Heights Association presents a Corporate Citizen of the Year Award to a deserving business on an annual basis. The merit of the award is based on consistency in funding HHA sponsorship drives, events and activities, providing in-kind donations and when possible, volunteer participation. The HHA is proud to present the 2020 Corporate Citizen of the Year Award to Grogan Building Supply, a third-generation business.

The owners of Grogan Building Supply are Greg and Lanna von Baden, both former Marcella Perry Award recipients. Greg’s grandmother was a Grogan. His mother, Lois von Baden, was a charter member of the HHA. Lois worked with the 19th Street improvements in years past. In 1979, Lois worked through Women in Construction and made plans to donate materials for a railroad gazebo in what is now Donovan Park. While that gazebo did not come to fruition, it was the start of a long relationship with the HHA.

When the Donovan Park project was underway, Grogan Building Supply was at the front of the line to donate. Since then, Grogan has donated paint and materials to Harvard Elementary, Travis Elementary and Hamilton Middle Schools for projects, auction items and fundraisers. They have been a Bronze sponsor of the Holiday Home Tour, have donated to the Fun Run, and have donated printing for Bike Rally tickets in support of Association events.

In the past, when the City of Houston required security measures for the Heights Festival, Grogan came to the rescue and donated orange plastic fencing. Grogan has donated paint mismatches and coordinated the purchase of hose reels and other graffiti abatement items at cost for Paul Lucci with Clean Houston. Grogan has purchased tables over the years at the Candlelight Dinner for the Houston Heights Spring Tour. Congratulations, Lanna and Greg von Baden on this highly deserved award.

Grogan Building Supply is located at 2419 Yale.

Presented by Chris Silkwood and Diane Easley

Marcella Perry Award: Dee Melancon

Rooted in the Heights. Sharing news about the people and places of the Heights. Planting the seeds of community in the Heights.

The Marcella Perry award is traditionally given to someone who greatly gives to the community in a variety of ways but does so in a more “behind the scenes” style.

Dee and her husband are doting parents to a pair of pampered pups, and reside in a charming bungalow with a gorgeous garden in the Heights.

The Melancons publish the quarterly Heights Pages Magazine and website — and graciously include Heights Association activities and events in their weekly Hump Day newsletter.

The articles showcase the Art on the Boulevard, stories about Heights Home Tours, HHA Fun Runs, HHA Bicycle Tours, beautiful gardens and Heights landscapers. Dee always includes news highlighting the very best our neighborhood has to offer.

Dee has a can-do spirit, sharing her positivity for the Heights Garden Club at their annual Seed and Plant Swap events at the Heights Fire Station, Heights garden tours, plantings on the Boulevard as well as setting up informative displays and presentations at Heights Association Meetings, and Gift of Tree Days.

Dee exemplifies the very best of the Heights, and always steps forward to create a better neighborhood for everyone.

Dee Melancon was chosen by her HHA peers and friends to be the recipient of the Marcella Perry Award for 2020.

Presented by Angela Dewree

Rising Star Award: Dave Seeburger

When we asked this person to have his home on the Spring Home Tour, he quickly agreed even though his wife was not completely on board, especially with a very young baby! It has been commented that he has been one of the most social home hosts that we have ever seen – greeting everyone, helping to fill in shifts, telling all sorts of stories – well, just spreading Heights hospitality to our patrons.

When asked to take on another role within the Heights Association – running for the Board – he once again agreed. As a Board member he enthusiastically agreed to take on the new and very large role of VP of Community Affairs. He is in charge of a lot of complicated issues. As soon as he took office he set up meetings with all the interested parties to get a better idea of what Community Affairs meant to everyone. He reviewed his findings at the last meeting, and he has his work cut out for him. It’s a lot. But he is going in to all of it with an open mind and good intentions.

Just in general he is a super social, upbeat guy. Very positive, great wife and three lovely children who can all be seen out and about at Heights events and venues.

Dave Seeburger is our Rising Star and we are lucky to have him on our team! Congratulations Dave!

Presented by Danae Stephenson

Legacy Award: Joy Stapp

Joy has been a very welcomed addition to the Houston Heights Association Board of Directors. Some may recognize her from being on the Board and very active in the neighborhood several years ago. She was involved in the many projects that went on in the late 90s and early 2000s and then went on to become Treasurer from 2000 to 2003. After a long hiatus, she then felt the need to reassert herself back into the neighborhood. She came back with a new vision, ideas and things she wanted to see improved and the only way she knew how to do that was get back involved. So, in 2019 she was re-elected to the Board of Directors again in a very different time and with a host of new issues, but the same view of making the Heights a great place to live.

She now takes all of that wisdom and knowledge and blends it with her modern, positive outlook on life and brings it to the table when it’s decision-making time. It allows the board to take a more complete look at many of its ideas. We are very thankful to have this blend of wisdom and renewed interest at our table to help us solve and bring a fresh outlook to the ideas that help shape the historical yet modern neighborhood we live in today.

So, because of her dedication to the Heights over several decades and her tireless efforts to make the neighborhood better, both then and now, we proudly present Joy Stapp with the Houston Heights Legacy Award.

Presented by Kevin Chenevert

Spirit of the Heights Award: Marc Elliott

When I think of the Spirit of the Heights, I think of someone who embodies what this neighborhood represents. So, I am very proud to present this award to Marc Elliott.

Marc can be found at any event we have and usually has his family with him as well, all ready to pitch in and help make the affair as great and as fun as possible. This is after spending a lot of his time finding volunteers for the occasion as the Volunteer Coordinator, which allows him to be involved in every event.

His dedication to the Heights doesn’t just end with our events. You can also find Marc at many of the local area shops, restaurants and sports facilities. He steps up to be the coach of his kids’ baseball, softball and soccer teams. He respects the history of the Heights, his involvement keeps him grounded in the present version of the Heights, yet in meetings he brings thought-provoking discussions on topics that will affect the future of our neighborhood.

His involvement in all aspects of our neighborhood, from his role in the HHA to just his love for the Heights, is why I feel Marc Elliott best resembles the Spirit of the Heights.

Presented by Kevin Chenevert

Family Spirit Award: The Stewart Family

The Family Spirit Award is new this year. As we see more families moving into our neighborhood and becoming more involved in the community, we anticipate it being an award that we are honored to present each and every year moving forward.

The Stewart Family, Danielle, Jonathan and Cate, were selected to receive the inaugural Family Spirit Award for 2020 in recognition of their long-standing support and the energy and enthusiasm they put into not one but both Bicycle Rally and Scavenger Hunts.

Danielle was the recipient of the 2018 Rising Star Award and many of you will know her as the publisher of Historic Heights Living Magazine. In addition to the many contributions she has made as a volunteer for HHA, she has chaired the Holiday Home Tour and intended to Chair the Candlelight Dinner benefitting Donovan Park that was unable to happen due to the current circumstances. Jonathan and Cate came on the scene in a big way in 2020, jumping right into all things Bicycle Rally. They planned the 5-mile route and identified objects on the way to then create the clues. This is no small undertaking! Cate, who is in 5th grade this year, even wanted to score all of the clue entry sheets and came up with the perfect tie breaker for the fall event, guessing the weight of a collection of pumpkins.

Please join us in thanking and congratulating the entire Stewart Family on their volunteer spirit and support of our community.

Presented by Heather Williams